Antique Prints and Books

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Antique prints, books and reproductions
Le Vie dell'Aria, unique issue dedicated to the 1933 Tenth Anniversary Air Cruise

Le Vie dell'Aria, unique issue dedicated to the 1933 Tenth Anniversary Air Cruise

390,00 €

Deyrolle (Fils d'Émile) Paris, 5 framed teaching Boards

Deyrolle (Fils d'Émile) Paris, 5 framed teaching Boards

1.500,00 €
Fai una proposta

Umberto Brunelleschi, Robe du soir, Engraving 1920

Umberto Brunelleschi, Robe du soir, Engraving 1920

270,00 €
Fai una proposta

La Renaissance en Italie, G. Biagi, Albert Morancé

La Renaissance en Italie, G. Biagi, Albert Morancé

80,00 €

Pellerin, Imagerie d'Epinal, 2 framed Prints Costumes Etrangers

Pellerin, Imagerie d'Epinal, 2 framed Prints Costumes Etrangers

30,00 €

Manual of Filotea

Manual of Filotea

40,00 €

Three framed Prints with Birds

Three framed Prints with Birds

90,00 €

Three framed Prints of English Thoroughbred Horses

Three framed Prints of English Thoroughbred Horses

30,00 €

Pair of framed Fruit-themed Prints

Pair of framed Fruit-themed Prints

60,00 €

Fabrique de Pellerin Costume des Sapeurs de la Garde framed print

Fabrique de Pellerin Costume des Sapeurs de la Garde framed print

80,00 €

Fabrique de Pellerin Les Quatre Verites framed print

Fabrique de Pellerin Les Quatre Verites framed print

80,00 €

Fabrique de Pellerin Marchands de Hambourg framed print

Fabrique de Pellerin Marchands de Hambourg framed print

80,00 €